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Dentro la Musica

Master Class di pianoforte con Roberto Prosseda

Lesa, Villa Sandra, 09-13 luglio 2019

“Dentro la Musica” offre ai dieci studenti effettivi selezionati un percorso artisticamente ricco
Lezioni individuali di pianoforte con Roberto Prosseda nelle sedi di Villa Sandra su pianoforti Steinway affiancate da incontri con musicisti, critici musicali e artisti.

È previsto un concerto finale degli allievi il 13 luglio alle 18 aperto al pubblico giornalisti agenti e organizzatori musicali.

Tutti riceveranno un attestato di frequenza del corso.
L’ allievo avrà 4 ore di lezione individuale e un pianoforte per studiare almeno 3 ore al giorno.

La domanda di iscrizione dovrà comprendere il modulo firmato, il curriculum, il repertorio che si intende presentare al corso e due link youtube di esecuzioni in video dal vivo. Gli allievi selezionati come effettivi saranno avvisati dalla segreteria entro il 10 Giugno.

Per confermare la loro partecipazione, dovranno versare la quota di frequenza entro il 20 giugno

Costo di frequenza al corso                                550 euro

​i costi non includono vitto e alloggio

Musica da Camera

con Shlomo Mintz e Roberto Prosseda

Lesa, Villa Sandra, 07-11 luglio 2019

Il Maestro Mintz terrà le sue Master Class di Musica da Camera a cui gli studenti partecipano collettivamente - Il 9 si unirà il Maestro Prosseda.

Tre lezioni giornaliere di un’ora e trenta saranno tenute dai due Professori.


Gli studenti di “Dentro la Musica” hanno la possibilità di frequentare queste

Master Collettive


Il Duo o il Trio che si iscriverà come tale eseguirà il repertorio indicato sulla form di iscrizione che sarà poi approfondito con i Professori.

Diversamente per gli strumentisti che si iscriveranno da soli il Duo o Trio si formerà durante la lezione.


Tutti gli studenti avranno più occasioni di esecuzione nei 5 giorni di Master.

Lo svolgimento della lezione prevede che Il Maestro scelga due pezzi tra quelli indicati dagli studenti che prima vengono eseguiti e poi rivisitati dal punto di vista tecnico e interpretativo e non solo.


Fin d’ora sappiamo che 4 violinisti portano i seguenti Trio

Schubert                     Piano Trio D 898       Op.99 in B Flat Major

Shostakovich              Piano Trio No.2         Op.67 in E Minor

Ravel                          Piano Trio No.1         Op.70 in A Minor

Mendelssohn              Piano Trio No.1         OP.49 in D minor – Scherzo


La domanda di iscrizione dovrà comprendere il modulo firmato, il curriculum, il repertorio che si intende presentare al corso e due link youtube di esecuzioni in video dal vivo. Gli allievi selezionati come effettivi saranno avvisati dalla segreteria entro il 10 Giugno.

Per confermare la loro partecipazione, dovranno versare la quota di frequenza entro il 20 giugno


"Prosseda shapes the music in long, elegant phrases that soar and compel utterly... This is the finest set of Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words now available." Classic FM magazine, 5* CD review, Jan '09.

Roberto Prosseda’s sensational discovery of new Mendelssohn works made headlines in Europe and lead to several Decca releases. His albums have won much acclaim in the press, including the CHOC from Le Monde de la Musique Classique, the Diapason d’Or and Chamber Music CD of the Month in the UK’s Classic FM magazine.

Critics and public alike have come to recognise Prosseda’s interpretations as communicating a deep emotion and introspection, capable of moving the listener, thanks also to a particular use of rubato and a great variety of timbres, particularly in Prosseda’s use of pianissimo. In 2010, Deutsche Grammophon selected twelve recordings by Prosseda to add to the box set,

“Classic Gold”, released in May 2010.  In 2014 Prosseda completed his 10-years project of recording all Mendelssohn’s piano works for Decca in 9 CDs.

Roberto Prosseda has performed regularly with some of the world’s most important orchestras, such as the London Philharmonic Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic, Moscow State Philharmonic, Bruxelles Philharmonic, Calgary Philharmonic and the mighty Leipzig Gewandhaus. With the Gewandhaus, conducted by Riccardo Chailly, he recorded the 3rd Piano Concerto in E minor by Mendelssohn, released on the Decca International label in September 2009. In Italy he performs regularly for the prestigious Serate Musicali di Milano and the Accademia di Santa Cecilia in Rome, and is frequently invited to the major concert series, including La Scala Milan, Unione Musicale in Turin, Accademia Filarmonica Romana in Rome and the Teatro la Fenice in Venice.

Other than Mendelssohn, whose piano music he is considered to be a leading interpreter of today, Prosseda’s interpretations of Mozart, Schubert, Schumann and Chopin have been particularly praised, and these composers have in fact featured in Prosseda’s recent Decca recordings. An active proponent of Italian music, Prosseda also recorded the complete piano works of Petrassi and Dallapiccola.

In September 2011 Prosseda gave his debut on the pedal piano, performing the Concerto for Pedal Piano by Gounod in the world premiere version for modern instrument. Concerts are planned in the next seasons on this instrument, rediscovering the original compositions by Robert Schumann, Franz Liszt and Charles Valentin Alkan. Several composers, including Ennio Morricone, have already written new pieces for pedal piano for Roberto Prosseda, and a recording of the four Gounod's pieces for pedal piano and orchestra with Orchestra della Svizzera Italiana conducted by Howard Shelley, released on the Hyperion label in fall 2013.

Roberto Prosseda is also very active in musical divulgation. He wrote the book “Il Pianoforte” for Curci Editori (2013) and realized three documentaries dedicated to Mendelssohn, Chopin and Liszt (Euroarts).

Critics, colleagues and audiences regard Shlomo Mintz as one of the foremost violinists of our time, esteemed for his impeccable musicianship, stylistic versatility and commanding technique alike. This virtuoso violinist, violist and conductor, is heard regularly on the international stage with well-known orchestras and conductors and is also a much sought after chamber musician.


Born in Moscow in 1957, he immigrated to Israel with his family two years later, where he studied the violin with Ilona Feher. At the age of 11, he made his concert debut with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and at the age of 16 he made his debut in Carnegie Hall with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, under the patronage of Isaac Stern. He began his studies with Dorothy DeLay at the Juilliard School of Music in New York.

At age 20 he made his first major European tour with famous conductors such as Carlo Maria Giulini, Antal Dorati and Eugene Ormandi and signed a contract with Deutsche Grammophon.


Since then he regularly appears with the most celebrated orchestras and conductors on the international music scene and gives master classes around the world. He is president of the jury of the Violin Competition 'Munetsugu Angel Violin Competition in Japan; was President of the jury of the International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition in Poznan, Poland in 2011 and president and advisor of the International Violin Competition Sion Valais in Switzerland. In July 2017 the first “HKIVS Shlomo Mintz International Violin Competition" was launched in China.


Mintz won several prestigious prizes including the Diapason D’Or, the Gramophone and the Edison Award and the Cremona Music Award 2016.


Long bio (680 words)


Virtuoso violinist, violist and conductor

Critics, colleagues and audiences regard Shlomo Mintz as one of the foremost violinists of our time, esteemed for his impeccable musicianship, stylistic versatility and commanding technique alike. This virtuoso violinist, violist and conductor, is heard regularly on the international stage with well-known orchestras and conductors and is also a much sought after chamber musician. Mintz’ style is compared with the old violin masters who laid the foundations of modern violin playing: rich, full tone and lush vibrato. His powerful use of the bow, intensity and ability to make the violin sound at times harrowing, is named as some of his other characteristics.


Ilona Feher, Isaac Stern and Dorothy Delay

Born in Moscow in 1957, he immigrated to Israel with his family two years later, where he studied the violin with Ilona Feher. At the age of 11, he made his concert debut with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and at the age of 16 he made his debut in Carnegie Hall with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, under the patronage of Isaac Stern. He began his studies with Dorothy DeLay at the Juilliard School of Music in New York.


Appearances with major orchestras

At age 20 he made his first major European tour with famous conductors such as Carlo Maria Giulini, Antal Dorati and Eugene Ormandi. Since then he regularly appears with the most celebrated orchestras and conductors on the international music scene. In the 2012/2013 Season, he celebrated his 50th anniversary on stage with a concert with the National Orchestra of France in the Champs Elysées Theatre among other festivities. In the 2015/2016 seasons he was a guest in the prestigious "Brisbane Maestro Series" with Queensland Symphony Orchestra in Australia. In the season 2017 Shlomo Mintz celebrated his 60th birthday. A special “The Art of Shlomo Mintz” box with all his 13 CD’s was re-released with Deutsche Grammophon in the spring of 2017. 


Important Competitions

In the season 2017 the first “HKIVS Shlomo Mintz International Violin Competition" was launched in Beijing, July'17.  Shlomo Mintz has been a jury member of several important international competitions, including the Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow and the Queen Elisabeth International Music Competition in Brussels. He was President of the Jury of the International Henryk Wieniawski Violin Competition and the Sion Valais International Violin Competition (Switzerland).  Currently he presides over the Munetsugu Angel Violin Competition in Nagoya, Japan and the Buenos Aires International Violin Competition Shlomo Mintz gives master classes around the world, among others in Crans Montana, Switzerland.


Music Advisor and “il Cannone” concert

Mintz was Music Advisor of the Israel Chamber Orchestra from 1989 to 1993. In March 1994 he was appointed artistic adviser and principal guest conductor of the Limburg Symphony Orchestra (The Netherlands). He led the orchestra during four seasons, while regularly at the same time acted as conductor and soloist. In 1997, Shlomo Mintz played at the invitation of the Community of Genoa, the famous violin by Niccolo Paganini "Il Cannone", during a special concert with the Limburg Symphony Orchestra, led by Yoel Levi. The concert was later broadcast on national Dutch TV in December 1997.


The young generation

In his role as patron of Keshet Eilon (Israel) and President of several competitions Mintz has made a major contribution to the career of the next generation of talented violinists such as David Garett, Alena Baeva, Francesca Dego, Roman Simovic (concertmaster London Symphony), Laura Marzadori (first female concertmaster at La Scala), Dami Kim, Fedor Rudin, Alma Deutscher, Renaud Capuçon and Sayaka Shoji.


Violins of Hope

Mintz frequently appears as a soloist in concerts for Violins of Hope, a project that aims to promote peace through music. The Violins of Hope were heard already in Paris, Sion (Switzerland), Madrid, Berlin, Rome, Charlotte, Sarasota and Cleveland (USA).  


Prizes and special awards

Shlomo Mintz has won several prestigious prizes including the Premio Internazionale Accademia Musicale Chigiana, the Diapason D’Or, the Grand Prix du Disque, the Gramophone Award, the Edison Award and the Cremona Music Award 2016.

In 2006 he was awarded an Honorary Degree from the Ben-Gurion University in Beersheba, Israel.



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